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PandaTip: Use the model price table to describe the costs to the customer incurred during this product development project. Use this model for the restaurant partnership agreement to enter into a binding contract between two people who want to jointly create a catering company. PandaTip: This model of product development agreements defines the legal conditions and compensation for a product development project. Separate documents regarding the scope of the work and delivery plan should be established, signed and attached to this agreement. Typically, a developer retains the copyright to the software they created, unless he or she is considered an employee of the company or if the work is part of a larger project. If the customer agreement includes ownership, they must make a transfer of ownership from the developer. The final product design is presented to the customer « as we will see » without explicit or tacit warranty. 2. Confidentiality. Enhance recognizes that they may be provided or receive other information or have access to information about past or future customer products, creative works, marketing strategies, outstanding projects and proposals, and other proprietary information (the « proprietary information »). Enhance is committed to preserving and protecting the confidentiality of proprietary information and all physical forms of this information, which are disclosed in accordance with this Agreement in order to improve it.

In addition, Enhance shall not disclose or disseminate proprietary information to third parties that are not related to subcontractors linked to similar confidentiality conditions and who do not use proprietary information for the benefit of third parties. Unless the customer requests otherwise in writing, Enhance may use materials for customers and finished products developed in the factory on The Enhance website to illustrate Enhance`s ability for portfolio purposes. 1. Services. Enhance undertakes to provide product design services within the meaning of the attached order form (the plant) at the customer`s request for pre-agreed costs and to provide the plant on an agreed due date and an agreed bidding method. Enhance agrees that they will be the sole author of the work that will be The original work of Enhance. For some engineering or prototyping projects, Enhance may use subcontractors for different plant components, with the names of these companies made available to the customer upon request. Enhance works with the customer during the editing and any other verification of the plant before closing. Enhance agrees that all services and work products offered must be « work by hire » unless Enhance specifically identifies it as outside the scope of the work before the work is definitively completed. In particular, once Enhance has received full payment for all services related to the project, the client holds all rights to the enhanced work by Enhanceer, including, but not only on inventions, designs, trademarks, copyrights, drawings and works of art.

There are benefits for the parties on both sides of the agreement.