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At Google, we believe it is important for parents (which we will use in this article to include legal guardians) to understand how their children use Google services in the classroom. This article will help elementary and secondary schools (K-12) that use Google Workspace for Education to ensure that they can effectively communicate with parents and legal guardians about their students` use of Google services with Google Workspace for Education Accounts and, if necessary, obtain parental consent. Because school administrators can determine which services are available and what guidelines apply to each service, the use of Google Workspace for Education varies from school to school. We believe that schools are in the best position to adapt the information they share with parents, based on their school`s actual use of Google services. There is no one-way solution, but Google wants to give schools the information they need about our data protection and security services and practices so they can inform parents. Google Workspace for Education Schools can take the next steps to understand how the school uses Google services, what information Google receives when using these services, and how Google uses that information. A school can allow students to access Google services such as Google Docs and websites that contain features in which users can share information with others or in public. When users broadcast information in public, they can be indexed by search engines, including Google. Our services offer users different ways to share and delete content. Students have no expectations of privacy in their use as school administrators and services have the right and ability to monitor user accounts for policies and security enforcement, whether they access them at school or at home.

We allow students to access Google services like Google Docs and websites that include features where users can share information with others in our Internet domain here at St. Vincent`s. « ); return (new DOMParser).parseFromString (Nd (a), « text/html »body.children[0]- Fi function (a,b)`if(! a)return od;var c-document.createElement (« div »).style,e-Ii (a); Xb (e, function(f)`var h-ve-f in Ci? f.replace (/`-: apple|css|epub|| khtml|moz|mso?| o|rim|wap|webkit|xv) – ([a-z])/i;; Jc (h, « -« ) || Pv (h, »var ») || (f-zi(a,f), f-$h (h,f,b), null! $d (c.cssText|| Function Ji (a)-var b-Array.from (ri,a, « getElementsByTagName »), c-gc (b), function (f) -return ec (vi (f).) cssRules); (c) c.sort (function (f,h) `f-Th (f.selectorText); a:`h-Th (h.selectorText`); for (var k-Math.min (f.length,h.length), n `0; n `c`), Ji (c), c-c.innerHTML); c-Zd (uc (« Nie an DOM ». ), c) var e-document.createElement (« template »); if (Ri-« content »in e) this (e, c) e-e.content;else`var f-document.implementation.createHTMLDocument (« x »); e-f.body; (f.body,c)`c-document.createTreeWalker (e,NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT| NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,null,!); for (e-Ni?new WeakMap:new Pi;f-c.nextNode));)`c:`var h-a;var k-f; switch (xi (k)) `case 3:h-mj (h,k; break c; case 1:if (« TEMPLATE » `w (k)) toUpperCase (h.na) else h.ha[n]?t-document.createElement (n) :(t-Gh (« SPAN »), h.wa-ti (t, »data-sanitizer-original-tag,n.toLowerCase ())))) var u-t, w-si (k); if (null! `w) for A-) if (n.specified)-var ma-h;var oa-k,ua-n,ta-ua.name; if (Jc (ta,data-sanitizer-« ) ma-null;else`var wa-wi `(oa).ua-ua.value;var Ba-tagName:Mc (wa).toLowerCase (), attributeName:Mc (ta).toLowerCase ()`, Ea`ln:void 0`; Ea.ln-ui (oa)); oa-jj (wa,ta); oa in ma.o? (ma-ma.o[oa], ma`ma (ua,Ba,Ea))) :(ta-jj (null,ta), ta in ma.o? (ma-ma.o[ta], ma`ma (ua,Ba,Ea)):ma-null) -null! `ma`ti (u,n.name,ma) `h-t`else h-null`break c;default:h-null if h) -if()).) 1-xi (h) -e.set (f.h), f-yi (f), k- 1.f) no-xi (f), t-wi (f).toLowerCase (), u-yi (f), 11||! U? « body » – « t-u » No. yi (u) – ! n and #160; #160: k 0: k||! f.n-b:1-xi (f)-n-e.get(f)), n.content-n.n.content), n.appendChild (h)-else Kh (f)-e.clear -e.clear (); a-b`else a-Gh (« SPAN »)