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Check out the INFORMATION on the author`s rights of the AUT for researchers. Click on the link below that will take you to the page for more information: To help you find the right project, we got this overview on who can frame you and in which theme. Note: If there are problems when opening forms, use another Internet browser, z.B. Google Chrome or Firefox. This way, you will have an idea of the leader you can call next week before making a decision. Download forms for graduate students, including master`s and doctoral students. It is highly recommended to download the current form every time you use it rather than using a form stored on your computer or on any other occasion. The registration deadline for the master`s thesis at AUT is November 29, 2019 via the form below. Appointment of an additional supervisor and change of supervisor. All stakeholders should accept that the early stages of the work can pose problems that need to be dealt with constructively if the project is to prosper. While academic issues will be of paramount importance, students and facilitators should be prepared to discuss other topics that compromise the candidate`s ability to progress with the PhD.

A checklist for superiors that they can use as soon as they receive the first thesis project. All students who wish to complete their master`s thesis at DTU Electrical Engineering, Automation and Control by January 2020 must complete the application form. Good supervision is based on open communication between supervisors and the candidate. At the beginning of the project, it is important that all parties are aware of their expectations of each other. These expectations are discussed as part of the Student-Supervisor Agreement, which is expected to take place at an early stage of the application, and a copy of the agreement is to be uploaded to eVision as part of the first progress reporting process. Accompanying form of the electronic master`s project and research project that will be deposited at the AUT library. If necessary, you will be asked to provide an electronic copy of the PGR18 form. Please speak with your faculty for more details. Be sure to check the student supervisor agreement from time to time.

It is important that the agreement is not forgotten and that you and your superior are on the right track. The agreement can be adjusted later, but try not to make any significant changes. Request for changes such as study form, theme or title, deferral, registration leave, program abandonment, extension request and likely completion. RWSN – Rural Water Supply Network – Saint Gall – Switzerland Ingnieur, designer, Local or National Decision-makers In case of link breaks, we mention – communication@pseau.org Contains a brief research proposal and must be accompanied by a registration application (AFE), a semi-annual report on the progress of the candidate`s search. If you use material created by others (e.g.B. Images, tables, graphics, large parts of the text, poems) in your search, thesis, thesis or blog post in your search, you may need permission from the copyright owner. The phD/electronic exegesis thesis in the TUT library must now be completed online when you file your thesis on the Tuwhera website. . ​ Request for confirmation of the application and full proposal. A faculty of committee post-cycle reviewer opinion.