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There is another tactic that the ACT uses, although much less often, to complicate basic subject-verb correspondence issues. Interrupt sentences are sentences that separate the subject from the verb. These sentences make it more difficult to identify the subject and determine whether the verb should be singular or plural. We`re going to see a few kinds of sentences that stop. You don`t need to know all the specific grammatical terms, but you should understand and recognize the impact they have on subject-verb matching issues. What`s less fun about this sentence? The « consequences ». That is why the theme is in the second section entitled « Consequences ». The verb « is » corresponds to the subject « Consequences ». Since we have a plural meeting and a singular verb, there is an error in the subject-verb concordance. I hope that at this point you will understand in depth the subject-verb correspondence and how to correctly answer any subject-verb concordance questions that may appear on the ACT. I`ve created some realistic ACT-English training problems to test what you`ve learned. Consider using the general strategies I referred to above.

Don`t spend more than a minute and a half answering a question. If you start from this point, you should not spend more than seven to eight minutes on a passage (unless you have time left at the end of the section). If you can`t perform an elimination process (most likely you`ll be able to do it), leave it blank, put on a mark, and come back when you have time. Try not to waste a lot of time on a single issue. In sentences with non-essential sentences or appliositives, always paint these sentences.