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The countries covered by this Agreement shall form a special association and establish a common classification for the image elements of marks (hereinafter referred to as the « classification of the elements of the image »). For the purpose of fixing its contribution in accordance with point (i) of paragraph 3, each country of the Special Association shall belong to the same class to which it belongs in the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property and shall pay its annual contribution on the basis of the same number of units as that fixed for that category in that Union. Korea has joined various international efforts to improve the protection of intellectual property by becoming a member of the following treaties: subject to paragraph 1 (c) of paragraph 1 above, determine which countries are not members of the special association and which intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations are admitted to its meetings as observers, and at meetings of committees or work established by the Council. group; The International Bureau may discuss with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations the preparation of revision conferences. The Director-General may invite and, at the request of the Committee of Experts, representatives of other intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations to participate in discussions of interest to them. Any decision considered by one-fifth of the countries represented and voting as a change in the basic structure of the classification of image elements or as a significant reclassification requires a three-quarters majority of the countries represented and voting. The Vienna Convention, concluded in Vienna in 1973 and amended in 1985, establishes a classification (the Vienna Classification) for marks consisting of or containing image elements. The audit shall be carried out by one or more countries of the Special Union or by external auditors in accordance with the Financial Regulation. They shall be appointed by the Assembly with their approval. In the headquarters agreement concluded with the country in whose territory the organization has its registered office, it is provided that that country grants advances if the working capital is not sufficient. The amount of such advances and the conditions under which they are granted shall be the subject of separate agreements between that country and the Organization. The classification of image elements shall include a list of categories, subdivisions and sections in which the image elements of the marks are classified and, as appropriate, explanations. Any intergovernmental organisation referred to in Article 5(2)(b) may be represented by an observer at meetings of the Assembly and, if the Assembly so decides, at meetings of committees or working groups established by the Assembly.

Half of the members of the Assembly shall have a quorum. In particular, the International Bureau shall prepare the meetings and provide the secretariat for the Assembly, the Committee of Experts and other committees or working groups established by the Assembly or the Committee of Experts. to decide on the definition of the official texts of the classification of image elements in languages other than English and French; Subject to the requirements laid down in this Agreement, the scope of the classification of image elements shall be that assigned to it by each country of the particular association. . . .